Book Reviews: Andy’s 2024 Reading Experience

I will be sharing a brief review of every book I read this year. Hope you enjoy and hope it encourages you to keep reading.

GO: Returning Discipleship to the Front Lines of Faith – by Preston Sprinkle

As Preston Sprinkle’s books usually do, this one also pushes the boundaries of what believers are comfortable with and used to.  He does a great job of biblically suggesting there is more to discipleship than just teaching and more to church than just Sunday morning worship. He points out that discipleship is about living out a relationship with Christ, and living it out in real and practical ways as we connect with others in our world. Chapter 9 is worth the cost of the whole book as he challenges believers to consider how much of our efforts and money is wrapped up in putting on nice Sunday services instead of helping people with their real needs. A challenging and encouraging read!

Book Reviews: Andy’s 2023 Reading Experience

I will be sharing a brief review of every book I read this year. Hope you enjoy and hope it encourages you to keep reading.

EMBODIED: Transgender Identities, the Church and what the Bible has to say – by Preston Sprinkle

Sprinkle asks the question: If someone experiences incongruence between their biological self and their internal sense of self, which one determines who they are – and why?

He then walks through a thoughtful and biblical journey of defining the transgender issue, understanding what the real issues are, and looking at how the bible speaks to this struggle many people face. He finishes by addressing some of the realities of how to love transgender people in a way that is kind and reflects Jesus. A great book for one of today’s tough struggles.

Book Reviews: Andy’s 2023 Reading Experience

I will be sharing a brief review of every book I read this year. Hope you enjoy and hope it encourages you to keep reading.

PEOPLE TO BE LOVED: Why homosexuality is not just an issue – by Preston Sprinkle

Preston Sprinkle provides a well thought out and Biblical response to questions about homosexuality. This is a much-needed book for our world and for the church. Sprinkle is writing about an issue that is important for him as he has gone out of his way to develop friendships with many gay people. He is writing about how to love real people and how to maintain truth. He does a thorough job of looking at scriptures, even refuting some that have been used as “anti-gay” artillery, while highlighting others that are clearly lay out God’s view against homosexuality. He helps us work through certain definitions that clarify what we are talking about. I appreciate how his struggle to maintain God’s truth as authoritative and maintain loving friendships with gay people is evident in his book. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting a solid understanding of God’s view regarding people with same-sex attraction.